
Formerly 'The Holland House Happenings'

Brian, Michelle, Jacob and John Avery Holland

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Coming soon

I have several posts that Im working on so hang on and get ready for an update. Thanks and be back soon!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

3 Counties and 3 Pools

The plan for last Friday was this:

1. Doctor appt for me at 10
2. Lunch with the boys and the Yums at 11:30
3. Open house at the boys school, drop off school supplies...also with the Yums from 1-3pm
4. Then swimming for the rest of the afternoon at the Arab Pool with the Yums

Here's how it really went...

1 and 2 went great and hen we went to the school to see all of our teachers and drop off school supplies and figure out which child went where and say hello to last years teachers and on the process we lost Ms. Yums keys so we spent some frantic time trying to locate those, then we were ready for number 4. With one little stop at the bank then we were ready to go for the rest of the afternoon. The boys were restless and ready to get on with the high dive jumping festivities. Well we drove to the bank and on our way there the bottom opened up and the rain came down in sheets. I figured that with it being 100 degrees plus outside that this was just a summer storm that would pass in no time. We decided to stop by the pool in Arab in the hopes that the rain would stop and we could resume our afternoon. Well the rain stopped but I guess it was too close to the end of the day for it to reopen, we decided to go to the Natatorium in Huntsville, it's indoors and they have a high dive, SCORE. We get there and the boys are jumping off the high dive as me, Ms. Yum and the youngest yum (who is just a year old) were chillin in the swim lane closest to the deep end (the better to see the high dive antics from). All of this lasted a max of 10 minutes, when the lifeguard warned the boys that they can not run, if one of them ran again then they would have to leave the pool for the rest of the day. Well someone supposedly ran again and we had to leave.

We were left with mo where to swim. I know that some of you are yelling "Grammy has a pool right next door" and yes this is true but remember that our priority is the HIGH DIVE people!!! Water is not good enough, we need diving boards and high dives. You know, high dives that make your face turn red when you try to do "twisty things" from it...like John Avery did on our brief time at the Natatorium.

Well, we did end up going to Grammy's pool and swan for maybe 15 minutes before it poured down rain on us. I guess it just wasn't our day to swim and I am thankful that we didn't get struck by lightening.

Always an adventure here at the double wide :)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Backstory on the Matress in the Living Room

So the beginning of the mattress in the living is kind of 2 fold.

The first part is that our boys have pretty much always slept in the same bed with us. I know that some people don't agree with allowing your kids to sleep in the same bed, and that's fine but this is my house and my kids and, in the words of my youngest, This is How we Doos It. And all the cosleeping was great when the boys were small but now that they are getting bigger it's harder to find prime space in the King size bed and even if there is space, it probably sweaty or drooly from a munchkin being there a few minutes ago, add to that the fact that John Avery loves to DIG his toes/feet under any part of whomever he happens to be touching, even though he knows that it drives all of us CRAZY!!!! Soooooo, that has lead to Brian sometimes getting up in the middle of the night and sleeping on the couch. (Normally the boys don't get into our bed until around 3 or so and I am unconscious next to everyone and can sleep through ANYTHING)

Ok part deux...I decided to have a movie night at home and put the single mattress in the living room so ten boys could relax and even go to sleep if they felt like it during the movie....well it never left!!! And with it being summer, we haven't been very firm on bed times so we just let the boys sleep in our bed while they watch their channel while we watch our channel in the living room and then Brian ends up falling asleep anyway so he just starts sleeping on the mattress because he knows that that is where hens gonna end ho anyway, why delay the inevitable.

And that, is then story of the mattress in the living room. Oh and I told Brian that i told all you guys that there was now a sheet on the mattress and he said that that just meant that the mattress was here to stay...ugh, hopefully not.

C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Kodak Pictures\2004-10-17\100_

So my boys are gonna be starting school soon and John Avery's teacher wanted me to put some photos of him together for a class project. This actually worked out great because I was trying to think of how I can get some pics on my blog even though all I have is my iPad.
So I'm hoping to use Flikr to make this possible.

If anyone knows of another photo sharing thingy just drop me a note.

oh and this pic is of John Avery when he was around 6months old. Isn't he hilarious?? If you know him now, he is still hilarious. Man I love this little boy!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Update on our mattress in the living room...

Well folks, Brian decided to put a sheet on the mattress that he sleeps on in the living room. I'm not sure why but he did. My husband never ceases to surprise me. I hope that when school stars back (August 9), the boys will be back in their own bed and I might be able to sleep with my husband again...but in this house, you just never know.

The boys are going to be spending a few days with my brother and his family so I hope to get a date night out of Brian, but probably not. Il let y'all know.

Have a great weekend and if you're looking for a fun app for your iphone or iPad try iglowsticks. It's free too!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pig Mania!!!! And post titles

I really suck at post titles and I apologize now and for all the future post titles that will be crappy from here on out.

On a different note, if you haven't played the game Pig Mania you need to go out and get it...your kids will love it too. You can find it on ebay but I haven't seen it in any stores. It is a game that Brian played and loved as a child.

Ok good night all:)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Stuff and things

Is it bad to steal blog post ideas from your "friends" blogs?? I put friends in quotations because I am really a blog stalker. I read all different kinds of blogs and I may know the people but I don't KNOW them. Like today, when I was keeping a nursery class at church, there was a mom that came to pick her child up and I almost said something about her blog but luckily I caught myself. See, I only work in the nursery once a month but I read her blog like everyday!!!! Hehehehe. Ok so the real blog post is .......


My dream house is not a doublewide trailer, although the price would be. I LOVE craftsman style homes and all the built-ins and the light styles....oooooo ahhhhh. They have great entry ways and are simple yet really elegant. I have a feeling that I will be living in a huge mtetal building because I am all about space......I have two boys, I need lots and lots of space and several doors in between too....boys are stinky. Hehe. Oh and I want a porch out back with a nice grill (because I am the grill master at my house) and a housekeeper. I have a book of all the neat things I want inside but I would need tomscan them and maybe I will one day so you all (all three of you) can see what I am like in real life...hahahahahaha. As if you three don't know me.

Ok that wasn't reallly about my dream house much so here's a tip....... Check out this blog. Www.thepioneerwoman.com. She rocks!!!!!! I wanna be her